ItemHunter by Trogdor!!
ItemHunter consists of two components: the admin console and the bidder app.
Silent auction administrators can use the admin console to set auction and item info, keep track of item statuses, and checkout bidders at the end of an auction.
Bidders use the mobile app to view and bid on items at the auction. The app enables them to keep track of their bids and be notified when another participant outbids them on an item.
Salesforce Backend / Admin Console Installation
Go to the app exchange
- Create a new org
- Install the alpha package
- Create the ItemHunter site
- Go to setup -> develop -> sites
- Enter a subdomain.
- click "new" to create a new site
- Enter "ItemHunter" as the site label, site name, and default web address
- specify the "Active Site Home Page" as any page… the value doesn't matter
- make sure the site is "active" and that "require https" is enabled
- on your new site, goto Public Access Settings -> enabled apex class access (near bottom)
- add every class that begins with "Endpoint" (except the Test classes)
- Add your site's subdomain as a custom setting value
- Go to setup -> develop -> custom settings
- click "ItemHunterSite"
- click "manage"
- click "new"
- as "name" enter "subdomain"
- as "value" enter "", eg "josh-test-ih-developer-edition.na24"
- Select "Item Hunter" as the app (top right app-selection drop-down)
- Click on "Admin Console" in the page tabs
- Enjoy!